
Awesome points brought up wish I could engage your thoughts further but unfortunately I was so distracted by Charlie Hunnam's lack of hiding the English accent and Leah Michelle's unnatural cigarette smoking that I kind of zoned on the entire episode.

I agree wholeheartedly dpov16 that something will happen involving the kids. I just hope that Sutter does not kill one of them off. I don't think anymore innocent lives need to be lost because of this crazy mother / son duo of doom.

As I was reading your post something came to mind when you mentioned Abel and the hammer. I started thinking about the scene where crazy Gemma is talking to dead Tara about Abel and how she sees that he is just like his father. Then Jax's conversation with Abel from last nights episode came to mind about how he

If memory serves me correctly I think Unser knows the truth about Gemma's older sins. However, he has no proof because I think the letters have been destroyed. It always annoyed me that Tara never mentioned a word about it to Jax.

I was recently informed from someone that worked in the music industry that it is much cheaper to do a cover of the song then use the original. So I guess Sutter is cheap or he needs ANOTHER platform to give his wife more time in the spotlight. As for the over use of montages well I guess there is only so much crap

So I need to ask a question about something that has been annoying me. When Gemma told everyone that she saw the Chinese guy at Jax's house the night Tara was murdered why didn't anyone question what she was doing there? I mean Jax never thought to ask his dear old mom why she was at the house that night to begin with

You answered your own
question. The whole season they spent in Ireland to build up all of these
little side story lines went nowhere. We never saw or heard from Jax's sister
Trinity again either. Also we spent a whole season on the letters between John
Teller and Trinity's mom that also went by the wayside. I often wonder