Holly Martins

Harry Crane
You guys missed the big story. Crane ditched the bow ties.

And speaking of James L Brook, this is one of the reasons Broadcast News is one of the best romantic comedies ever. It didn't force the people who obviously shouldn't be together to get together.

The Clear Choice
I know nobody likes to pick the obvious choice, but come on, it's As Good As It Gets.

1. It would also mean showing himself to be a criminal in the eyes of his son, and potentially destroying Hank.
2. At that moment he's trying to push just hard enough to get his way without getting killed. Dictating terms to that degree would have been way over the line and shown Gus to be weak to a degree he could not

I would say Ben stayed outside the church because he still felt too much guilt about his misdeeds to accept peace. I agree it was one of the more affecting moments of the finale.

A perfect example of how the stellar cast and crew elevate the family sitcom: The perfect timing of Claire's answer to "Does this happen every time you drink?"

Interesting theory, but it does seem awfully out of character for "family is everything" Tio, does it not? This is the guy who crapped his pants rather than help Hank, you'll recall, even when helping in that situation would have served his benefits.

$64,000 Question
Does anybody have any other guesses for the phone call besides Fring or Mike working under Fring's orders?

Spencer Tracy, no?

A lot of great stuff. Surprising you could get a consensus on Gerry but not Sideways but whatever. As good as you could hope for from this kind of project despite my many differences. I especially enjoy the love for In the Loop. It's shot to near the top of my list as well. Well done.

A very good list all in all, but it does seem like comedy got the shaft, doesn't it?

I thought The Descent was the horror movie of the decade, and would make my Top 50.

Come On
How could The Lives of Others miss this list? Missing the top ten is forgivable. Missing the top twenty is a slightly embarrassing blunder. But the top fifty?! Unacceptable.

Agree completely on Before Sunset. Ever since I've held that as the gold standard in my mind on how to end a movie.

Too Obvious?
I'm assuming the gusher scene from There Will Be Blood and the gas station scene from No Country For Old Men were left off by virtue of being too damn easy. Still, being the obvious choices are no reason to exclude them.

Here goes…
Pan's Labyrinth, "The Pale Man" - In a film full of nightmares this was unforgettable .

The jazz club scene was one of the first things that leapt to mind when I saw the topic. Both that and the club shoot-out are worthy.

The Lives of Others
Ulrich Muhe should feature prominently on any list of great recent performances.

In addition to Wit, I would have included the fantastic The Gathering Storm featuring a brilliant performance by Albert Finney.

The lack of HBO's Wit on this list is a big oversight. I would argue it was the best TV movie of the decade.