Fuck you for making me registe

So meme magic is real after all.

The bouncy ball.

We've still got Ice T.

The American ratings look pretty good. Any source on 5-0 depending on foreign markets?

Are there any sports that nobody is betting on?

Give him a tennis racket and he'd make a great Jim Cornette.

Comments don't matter, page views do.

It's baptist country. Catholics stay away.

Yeah, there are also Hungarian and Swedish versions of the band. Some of the original guys started a band called Sauruxet and got sued by Sony.

That awkward Richard/Big Head saying goodbye is something that happened to me more times than I'd like to admit.

And our TV is even worse…

It was reviewed on A.V. Club and it got a straight B:

In more important German news: That loser gets a newswire and the Das Boot sequel doesn't?

If people din't buy these dogs they wouldn't be bred anymore and wouldn't be condemned to the constant torment that their lives must be.

Veronica Mars didn't do anything for me.

There's a link at the end of the article that allows you to see it.

You didn't need the Johnson speech to stop regarding Major Warren as a pure good guy. Mannix talking about all the Native Americans Warren killed and how that endeared him to the Union already did that.

There's a reason Tarantino's name on the cover is bigger than Morricone's.


The franchise’s first video game was not Evil Dead: Hail To The King. It was The Evil Dead for the C64 and the ZX Spectrum from 1984.