Fuck you for making me registe

"Hart" not ""schwer". Using "heavy" sounds as weird in German as in English.

I haven't read that much of (the other) Murakami but judging by stuff like Piercing or In the Miso Soup Audition seems to be a lot more representative of his style than 69.

Watching it together with The Quiet Family (the Korean movie it's a remake of) makes a great double feature.

Blame Hideo Yamamoto and Ryū Murakami for the violence in these films. Hell, the violence in Ichi is pretty much toned down compared to the source material.

Tonight on TNT Serie (Germany): The premier of Weinberg: A Twin Peak-ish mystery/horror show.

Dude's half-Swiss. These guys aren't exactly slouches when it comes to accents and languages either.

The picture of Gretchen shows her putting her arm over someone we can't see on the right side of the picture. The picture of Grant shows someone we can't see on the left that has a hand on Grant's shoulder.

If you want a a show set in medieval times about a guy cutting down foes with a big sword Berserk is pretty much already all you want (unless you don't like anime).

"Les Scoops, c'est oops!" is a great slogan.

I first watched this film when I was in elementary school on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. German TV programmers are sadists.

Heisenberg is a German name, not Jewish. The guy worked for the Nazis.

Brandy Station was the name of the staging area in south-east Brabant (NL) for NATO operation Autumn Forge. See for example here:

Get off my lawn. The original Dopefish was much more horrifying.

Carnivale! Carnivale! Carnivale! Still pisses me off. Season 2 was so fucking great.

Dead or Alive. When you talk about it people assume you are talking about the mediocre busty chicks fighting game series instead of the great Takashi Miike triology of yakuza films.

No accent. Only accent in the episode was the Russian KGB guy talking with East German intelligence.

I don't think there is a writers' room. Four of of five episodes so far have only credited Anna Winger as writer (damn Americans taken our jerbs). Only one episode also credits Steve Bailie as a writer.

Subtitles ruined a little joke. Martin described decaf to the boarder guard as "coffee without coffee" subtitles read "coffee without caffeine".

Well, "scheiß" does literally translate to "shitty" but it's used in almost exactly the same way that "fucking" (as an adjective) is used in English.

Post-production work macht frei.