Fuck you for making me registe

India wasn't the only inspiration for the Lebensraum policy in the east. America's conquest of the West was another with Slavs taking the role of Native Americans. Hitler went so far as to call for the Volga to become the German Mississippi.

From Wikipedia: Northern Wedding was a NATO Cold War naval military exercise, designed to test NATO's ability to rearm and resupply Europe during times of war. In 1978, it was described as being 'conducted every four years', but by the mid 1980s, Exercise Ocean Safari was being run in odd-numbered years, 'every other



Soon enough Martin gets some tree-mail that he understands and we don’t

Two translation notes:

Football corner: So Argentina again couldn't do it. Congratulations to Chile, real fun game. Jonathan Wilson is right: Goals are overrated.

The ones shown in close-up were The Gulag Archipelago and Max Frisch's diary.

There are also much more recent historical precedents for this kind of austerity: The Baltic states.

It's not purely bilateral. Eastern European and Baltic nations are probably even harsher than Germany towards Greece..

German TV generally sucks. There are a few exceptions but these are very rare. There's like one decent show every decade or so.

Get shot?

Yes, it's up to them but American companies are weird when it comes to swearing and sex. Hell, Facebook has suspended museums for showing paintings that contain nudity on their pages.

Another thing inevitable lost in translation is the Sie/Du distinction. Happened when Annett used the more formal "Sie" and Lenora immediately switched to "Du".

In an interview the creators said that if the show's successful the next two season will be Deutschland 86 & 89: http://reason.com/archives/…

No idea, the German titles aren't known yet (show airs in a few months). I assume they are translations..

Something something GNU/Linux

Ichi the Killer should get extra credit for using real sperm in its opening sequence.

I finally got around to listening Tuomas Holopainen's Music Inspired by the Life and Times of Scrooge and had it on loop for most of the weekend. It's everything I love about Don Rosa made music. It's also the the best soundtrack in a very long time.

Susanna Clarke said in an interview a month after Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell was published in England that she is working on a sequel focused on the early lives of Vinculus and Childermass. This suggests that they already knew each other in scene from the first episode where they interact.