Fuck you for making me registe

It's very much not the British version but the English version.

Pakistan is not in the Middle East by any sane definition of Middle East. That is all.

A mysterious dead of the sister of a NATO general would probably cause more problems than it would solve.

So now that this has finally made its way to the internet here are some observations from a German perspective:

Only explanation is that HBO is literally Hitler and doesn't count Slavs as white.

I think it's supposed to air in about 3 months here. Still no version of this episode online. American pirates get working!

I'm a year late but I finally listened to this album and it's fucking brilliant. Each chapter of The Life & Times has a single track. The best soundtrack I've heard in years

Or when The Hunger Games first became popular and everyone had to mention Battle Royale, The Long Walk and dozens of other works with similar themes.

Add The Plague Dogs and you're golden.

When it comes to shows from ARD/ZDF KDD was pretty good (even it it borrowed quite a lot from The Shield). Of course ZDF completely screwed up by not really promoting it, showing it on Friday night in the time slot usually reserved for the most formulaic Krimis and then being surprised at the horrible ratings.

Spiegel Online had a review yesterday to coincide with the Sundance airing:

You're not the only country to have private prisons: The UK and Australia do as well. Yay Anglosphere!

And get rid of ballot access laws screwing third parties.

Extremely mild spoiler for a future episode:

The Moon.

Isn't the popular theory nowadays that a lot of the crime decline can be explained by removing lead from gasoline or has that been debunked, too?

Gay Romani Kings, you antiziganist bigot.

In completely unrelated news Zhao Wei is also the richest Chinese actress and just recently became a (Dollar) billionaire:

I found it amusing how he was built up as kind of a new Hitler and then he left office after two terms, a very un-Hitler thing to do.