Fuck you for making me registe

Nothing will ever top Uwe Boll's Auschwitz.

Thanks for the spoiler. Fuck you.

As good as this episode was it was really hurt by inviting the direct The Thick of It comparison. Went back to the review of the TToI epsisode and it only got a B. Crazy.

You'll be even happier to learn that he is still working and doing new soundtracks.

Thanks for explaining the joke.

Fuck you Lynn police spokesman Lt. Rick Donnelly.

I agree with you Cercei-Jaime but you can't blame Martin for that. This was very different in the book and the show really screwed it up.

They wanted to make this a feature film at $1 Million. I'm glad they didn't raise this much. It works great with 30 minutes of time but would probably get tiring with more.

The film is only 30 minutes long, so did you spend the other 15 minutes masturbating?

To be fair: Mike Judge is pretty big on being anti gun control so it's not that crazy to assume that he has some other non-liberal views.

We the Living actually goes much further in Nietzschean philosophy than her later novels. It's just that she removed all overtly Nietzschean stuff in later editions (when she distanced herself from Nietzsche and claimed the only philosopher that ever influenced her was Aristotle).

I want all my GOT episodes named after mid-2000s Swedish power metal albums.

And tonight on BBC One: The first episode of a seven part adaption of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.

Blue balls is something some men experience and some don't. I always thought blue balls was just a metaphor until I read that for some it is an actual physical condition.

If you read it as "Wie können sie alle tot sein?" it becomes a grammatically correct "How can they all be dead?".

Close, it was "ihm die Kehle aufschlitzen" to slit his throat, I think.

It was "aufschlitzen" or more specifically "die Kehle aufschlitzen" "to slit someone's throat". He talked abut sneaking up on someone and slitting their throat twice. There was also a line about "putting the slut back in the cage".

I think it's a standard disqus word filter that has been around forever. Also stops racial slurs (except if you're a dolphin).

Hey, some of us are perfectly capable od denigrating other members of the commentariat without the use of slurs.

It's not illegal to drink alcohol in Iran if you are not Muslim. No need for Mike and Garry to worry.