Fuck you for making me registe

This goes for basically all neofolk.

Hey, you forgot his antipathy to Poles. Plus there was that one sympathetic German doctor near the end of the Brothers Karamazov.

Two more writers: Lovecraft (racism) and Houellebecq (misogyny). And both have in common that they probably wouldn't be able to have written what they have written without their particular bigotries.

Correction: CĂ©line was a flat-out Nazi way before WWII (the Bagatelles were published in 1937 and he didn't just suddenly develop his views).

No. Unless you use the concept of the Greater Middle East. But that concept was invented by the second Bush government, so you shouldn't.

Haven't watched Highschool of the Dead but read the first few volumes of the manga. I found the complete lack of subtlety in promoting its politics hilarious. Characters would literally start monologues about how awesome Yukio Mishima is. That's some Ayn Rand level subtlety.

Well, to be fair to TV (TV, not American TV) in the countries where most of these 60% live there are plenty Asian leads on TV.

Most neofolk bands. I like the music but the politics are often pretty iffy.

You could get Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime and you would still be paying less than you are for cable.

Hulu is shutting out everybody. They're not available anywhere outside the US.

What was Guardiola thinking sending Robben on that early?

So was yesterday's penalty shoot-out between Bayern and Dortmund the most hilarious ever? Someone should speed up all the Bayern penalties and put the Benny Hill theme as background music.

You mean it would make it more nutritious and healthy?

Clearly this is the greatest atrocity in German history!

But you're probably get an exclusive post credit scene that the rest of the world doesn't get.

Technically there was. WWI started on 28 July 1914, the second empire was proclaimed on 18 January 1871.

The very concept of state was pretty different in the Middle Ages. Nations states are a pretty recent invention.

Autobahnen, Weird Porn, Kraftwerk, badly dressed tourists.

I guess Disney truly are The Robbers here

You're American with pretensions of Frenchness. Sorry.