Cornelius Tacitus

"…when someone steps on Vergara's breast for leverage…"

So the filmmakers guessed:

Stick and String Adventures is only for dedicated fans?! Damn it! When will there be a primitive archery podcast for the casual hobbyist?

Definitely one of my favorite 10 seconds of the Simpsons or any show. A like for reminding me.

Never noticed before, but the German phrase in (13) is actually incorrect; it should be "das ist keine boobie." In fact, I even remembered that way, until this piece reminded me that they had it wrong.

The internal-goal model works when grading films that pass a certain benchmark of quality, or whose goals are primarily aesthetic (don't know how this might apply to documentaries, however).

I have sometimes thought I missed the boat, and should have pursued a career in manufacturing Christian counter-programming, whether music or cinematic. Seems like a sure way to make a killing: a demographic that spells out exactly what they want to see, never gets tired of seeing it, and demands no quality control

Articles like this are as inevitable as they are pointless. Inevitable because each new way of doing things prompts some worried hand-wringing by people used to the old way of doing things. To Sallustian for my tastes.

And now it seems that the discussion's quota of knee-jerk, contentless sarcasm has also been filled.

Yeah, me too. Caine made some weird choices throughout, like several scenes where he's clearly trying to convey genuine menace but the rest of the movie is the furthest thing from supporting that sort of tone.

I know! The answer is "when it's ajar!"

This review sounds like it was made up, a parody of all those bullshit miserabilist dramas but then directed by Harmony Korine or some shit.

Quit civility-trolling. If people expressing their anger over a dangerous lunatic's unlikely political rise gives you the vapors, then powder your wig and go back to the good old days, if only to realize that there's no such thing and popular political discourse has always been vulgar, sort of non-sensical, and highly

All of your recollections are accurate. It's Gould, James Caan, Diane Keaton (pre Annie-Hall) and Michael Caine. So the cast is solid gold, but the performances and characters are all very mannered and one-note. Keaton, for instance, shouts all of her lines to no one in particular.

This was a very touching write-up; thank you for that.

There is a huge gap between professional and user reviews for this game. All the "game journalists" (have to put it in quotes because, seriously, come on) give it As, but the user reviews are stuck between 3 and 4 (out of 10) on Metacritic.

I'd be very interested in seeing a movie inspired by that third paragraph, alfla. And, of course, the inventory collects "sobering" depictions of Irish life, not accurate or true ones. It would be like collecting "sobering" depictions of American urban life and holding up Judgment Night or Grand Canyon as

I'm with Malingerer: guns and nazis enabled the holocaust. And bullshit posing as intellectual discourse enables my headache.

I'm with the repliers: they were considered a "black race" when they started arriving in America and faced systematic discrimination. So cram your phony semantics up your ass.

I find many of the purported observations in these various write-ups to be straight-up racist. Seriously, how is it acceptable to describe an entire culture of people as "so in love with their own sadness?"