Cornelius Tacitus

Fair enough; sorry to assume the worst.

What, so they'd only get 8 solid-gold bars per episode instead of 16? There's first-world problems, and then there's shut-the-fuck-up-and-sit-down-you-impossibly-rich-creatively-bankrupt-fucks problems.

The IT Crowd's first season is marvelous, and the central dynamic puts an interesting twist in the boss-underling relationship, so I'm starting to think Levine has a point.

30 Rock gets off to a very rough start…I think it's only about half-way through that it becomes apparent that there's a great show there. AD and Archer are twisted and hilarious from the start.

Back when I was covering cultural and entertainment news (albeit not as quickly as O'Neal), women of the ruling class were content simply to kill their husbands (maybe) and commit suicide (or so I go on to suggest) when they were caught.

I really think it has evolved into a generic term of abuse. It derives its negative connotation from a half-remembered connection to the extension the concept used to have, but that's about it.

Is it just me, or could that picture basically be from Beauty and the Beast?

I did like Observe and Report, but didn't even remember she was in it, so *shrugs*

"The worst part about these kids being on drugs, is that they're orphans…and orphans don't have any parents!"

The AV Club will just never stop stumping for Anna Faris, will it? I would love to see her in a decent comedy just so her performance could be judged without the enormous "best of something terrible" handicap that reviews here always give her. My hypothesis: we'd see she's nothing special.

Are we still talking about the Leguizamo-Richards movie? Probably thinking of "Empire."

Oh, and Automocar: unless you called up that knowledge spontaneously, you've only sealed your "spent 2 minutes on Wikipedia" credentials.

The graffiti on the windows looks really anachronistic. The trains I take into Brooklyn aren't always clean or new (especially on the Q) but they've never been like that. Hell, the French Connection didn't make Brooklyn look as shitty as that.


There are times when to quote is to discredit. Sarah Palin and Loutallica are two salient examples.

How can one be Christian without believing in the resurrection? Don't you, at that point, just think he was a pretty cool guy?

This is fine, but there's a more pressing question:

How about this: when religious whackos and know-nothings stop dominating american culture and politics, people can stop making films about them.

Man, there's tiresome and then there's a 450-word wall of text about fucking Glee.

Have your kids play Knights of the Old Republic I and II; the spirit of Star Wars lived on in them long after it winked out of the movie continuity forever. I particularly like the second one, which exposed how stupid Jedis and Force-religion were but still managed to make Jedis the center of an awesome story.