Plinko Bob

I reuuuse McDonald's cups!/ I dooon't ever pay for sodaaaaAaaaAaa/ I'm talkin' infinite refills of fountain soda/ YEEAAaahHHHhhhhhh!

This makes me happy because I love Brett Gelman and I hate Adult Swim. Partly because it's misogynist, mostly because almost every single one of its shows is unwatchable garbage.

"The most memorable remains Paul Reiser, who continues to turn in a nuanced performance."

"everyone likes Hayes and Sean"

Not while filming "Apocalypse Now," but during birth. Forceps crushed his shoulder or something.

"Drew’s maniacally loud response ('What?! I like doing stuff like that!') cracks me up for reasons I’m unable to fully explain. It’s just funny."

I think I remember reading somewhere once that he doesn't like to acknowledge or talk about "Billy Madison" for whatever reason.

"You need to listen to me. You HAVE to listen to me. I can't HELP you unless you LISTEN to me! You can't send Christmas cards to everyone, you can't DO it! FORGET the SPR. Let's GET the IMF loans like we SAID we were going to, LISTEN to what I have to say about Didion and PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!"

Do you post comments like this online so you can read them later and masturbate to your own outrage?

"She did crack with Dennis when they were trying to get on welfare. She did coke with Charlie when they were trying to get money for the mob."

Just like the latter half of the series, this is entertaining to watch, but Sam Seaborn's absence is too keenly felt.

I dislike Creed as much as anyone, but there's no schadenfreude to be had here.

I was pretty charmed the whole way through "Safety Not Guaranteed," but then they last few seconds brought out the loudest "FUUUUUCK YOUUUUU!" I've ever let fly.

I started off reading this post thinking, "'Obstreperous'? 'Louche'? Geez, Cannon, don't use a $5 word." But then the plot unfolded, and I golf-clapped when I saw what he did there.

A whole bunch of the Wolfpop podcasts are great, but "Reading Aloud" is the real sleeper. Stack's reading of the Simon Rich piece was the funniest thing I heard all week, and the Kesey letter made me cry actual tears, guys. Hard laughter and real tears from one podcast is a winner, in my opinion.

Tim Cook even looks exactly like my aunt.

Alas, Peter Gibbons' 40 subscriptions could not sustain them.

Thank you. This is literally the only time I have effected change in the world.

"Nearly 20 years after the Fox show…"