Gary X

That was actually an issue for me. Whenever it started up, it was just "Oh, there's the music from Inception again."

I think in this context it makes sense, though, as the above review is basically Dows arguing McQueen has finally become a director.

It's animated to look like stop-motion.

That means so much. You have no idea.

If I could blow up two things, it would be The Fountainhead and How I Met Your Mother.

Well, we can't really blame Hollywood alone for splitting films into halves now that TV has started doing it too.

For what it's worth, they constantly seemed surprised they gained a wide audience as well.

Hey, Arcade Fire did pretty good! I'm very proud… minus.

Makes sense. The Suburbs seemed fueled by someone who both really wanted a kid and was terrified by the idea.

You son of a b-itch.


Stencil agrees.

To reduce Arcade Fire cringe, take two (2) servings of Interpol albums twice a day for a month.

That's pretty much my reaction to The Suburbs. I grew up in a Texan suburb so it just hit me in a lot of ways, but I don't think it's my favorite. Though, I suppose it speaks well for a band when you feel like you can connect so much to an album, and it still not be your favorite.

I'd do the same (though I haven't listened to this yet). I really enjoy Funeral, and it was a particularly important album for me, but I find myself returning to Neon Bible more. I quite enjoyed The Suburbs (sometimes even more than Funeral), but I felt it could have used some editing here and there.

Yeah, I had hoped that was the album cover, if only because I enjoyed archi-nerding out about it.

"Arcade Fire are one of the few bands we have now that could have held their own back when pop music was still a cultural mission of subversion, to be taken on at a massive scale in suburban basements across the country."

I don't agree (if only because I think both albums are great), but I sometimes think Amnesiac, while the weaker album, might have the better songs.

Armond White is an incredibly intelligent and well-spoken critic who might even be one of, if not the best, critics working today if he hadn't, at some point, decided to use his powers for evil.