Gary X

Yes, but to be fair, it was the Bobby Thomson homer.

Why would you make me want this thing I will never have, Buzz? Why??

Last I looked, the blu ray was five bucks on Amazon (there's a newer "special edition" that has almost nothing new in it, though there is a new lossless version of the sound, but unless you're rocking a crazy system, I doubt you'll notice it).

Yeah, that seems a little "damned if you do, damned if you don't."

I feel the same way sometimes. It's clear he loves the genre stuff a lot, but I just find his "fairy-tale" films far more interesting and ambitious.

I had a professor in college who made us watch The Last Wave. Not because it really had much to do with class (it was world civ, and I think he had some vague reasoning for it), but because he felt it was one of the "greatest little seen films of all time" and made time for it every semester.

It's easily his best, though I also like The Devil's Backbone, which functions something as the male-centered companion piece film.

Sort of. Ring 2 tried to do something similar but with deer, and it was fucking hilarious.

I find the ghost hallway scene from Pulse to be a scarier use of J-horror (that whole movie just leaves you feeling exhausted afterwards).

That's the only portion of the movie I've seen (was at a friends and we had already watched The Descent but I then had to leave), and it has stuck with me forever. It's fantastic.

Check out Vampyr if you haven't. It's not Noseratu-influenced, but it's in a better vein of vampire films. Great imagery too.

They did the same thing for the [Rec] remake, I think. The final big scare was the goddamn poster.

Holy shit. Time to go rent that movie.

I really need to get around to Inland Empire.

Have you seen it in a theater? I've seen the film numerous times but recently saw it in a theater at midnight and ugh God the sound! It's oppressive.

Have you watched Twin Peaks? There's some scenes in that you'd just love.

In the corner of my bedroom is the closet door, with clothes hanging on it, and a bookshelf. My eyesight is pretty terrible, so whenever I don't have glasses or contacts in, I can really only see shapes of colors that my mind then tries to process into images.

You are getting into some Kierkegaard level shit here.