Gary X

Oh wow. There's a whole thread equating Arcade Fire to the Hitler Youth.

Ralph Fiennes replaced him, and it looks like it was for the better.

This looks amazing.

I think there was some in Chicago, some in Pittsburgh, and lots of New York (particularly skyline shots).

Have you even ever read this site?

Nope. Apex of blockbuster film making and an unintentional surrealist masterpiece.

I don't think it has as many holes as people make out, but I agree. It's great.

I thought it was at its most growly in The Dark Knight and then tapered off in Rises.

I'd rate Rises much higher, but I've had this argument many times.

It becomes very Goyer towards the end of that movie.

In a surprising twist, the CEO of Disqus is none other than that racist Gerbil gimmick account in a long con to destroy the very AV Club comments section that shunned and, ultimately, banned him.

Comments find a way.

Your avatar also looks mad pixelated. Up-res your shit.

The Trogdor graphic adventure game (and its accompanying movie adaptation) are the apex of the internet.

@avclub-72685cbb553a7ebfbccb08092d11c7e0:disqus Yeah, I post on it, but it doesn't make Kinja, generally, any less insane. It also only really works as a content farm/snark comment farm. For actual discussion, it's something of an unnavigable failure. I think Disqus is still better in that regard.

I saw that when you posted it and actually—because I am petty—thought about not doing it just to spite you. Obviously, I'm not that petty.

Yeah, that's the plan, probably.

Eh, but you're a much better commenter.

Oh, I posted as Max the King of the Wild Things over there, not as Gary. I read it for most of the ride, and it got so weirdly insular before I stopped reading heavily. It was bizarre. People getting crazy competitive and personal over fucking upvotes/downvotes.

Now you're just sucking up.