Gary X

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus I'm kind of lucky that it ended at the nice, even number when it did.

I am. I'm trying to figure out a way to make them more efficient and how to keep SurveyMonkey from trying to charge me 250 bucks because of all the answers, but they'll be happening.

Oh, and apologies for being so glib. I realize this is probably a mess and likely results in some headaches, at least, on the back end.

That's basically how the Giant Bomb system functions. Not sure how it works as a business model, though.

Oh me? Oh no, no, no. I was just being an asshole.

Well, hell. That'd be a shame.

That'd be a bummer. I think you're a great commenter. (Don't see where @avclub-3c23902822283144c09d87f123545c87:disqus 's random personal attack comes from.)

Have we talked about this before? Because, yeah, that fucking sucked.

I like this primarily for the mental image of "Soccer-mom 4chan." That's good.

I really don't think this looks that bad? The bubbles are goofy, yeah, but otherwise it seems fine.

@avclub-efb3d8be0319721ef751da0b05d9f6a5:disqus Yeah, I think the way the site was built basically makes it impossible to read on older versions of IE. Microsoft had to basically up and abandon a lot of how it processed html because the rest of the internet was moving to something different.

@olivececile:disqus Actually, NuDisqus already allows you to embed images into your comments. So far, it's worked well over at the Dissolve. Resulted in one of my favorite threads so far: http://thedissolve.com/feat…

Sorry, Cormac.

@avclub-e0a1578b57e32929a77892fadf0d0b40:disqus No, not really. It's where Rabin look at films that were considered successful (financially and, in most cases, critically), and then he tries to dissect what made those films a success at the time but why they seemed to nevertheless fade from our pop cultural memory.

I've been inside you, and you! and YOU! AND EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! this whole time.

Why fix what was broken when you can just break everything else I always say.

It's a real sonuvabitch, ain't it?

@avclub-68ed797b8372d94e15f9cce7ff19a2dc:disqus I was wondering if that was going to happen. The first comment gave me an "Unexplained Disqus Error," and I laughed out loud at the office.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus Yeah, I have no idea what exactly causes it because it seems to work as often as it doesn't.