Gary X

I miss the anon comments.

It should be noted that, with new Disqus, often times the Ctrl+F function doesn't work. It will "find" the words on a page, but it won't actually jump to them. I think it's because they're separated differently in the html or something.

There was (is?) a thread over on Giant Bomb where you used to be able to write in, and they'd scan the letter and post it in an ongoing thread. It was pretty great.

Nah, I constantly talked about how much I loved those games, and it was fine.

Nah, I constantly talked about how much I loved those games, and it was fine.

People take downvotes very seriously for some reason. It really fucked up the community at Videogum too when they started ranking comments by them. It's weird stuff.

Guess I should add a "Worst New "Feature"" category to this year's Commies…

Yeah, but as they noted above, they're gonna keep it to the 4 subthreads thing.

I mean, I am pretty holy.

It really is great.

@avclub-c1bac1d55ebcc415d61552acbfbb219d:disqus As a person living in 2013, I was/am often overwhelmed by Breaking Bad. I imagine it would outright kill someone from the 1930's.

It's not anywhere near as good as the poster, but it's also an amazing poster (so it gets some slack).

The Shadow had its issues, but Alec Baldwin was not one of them.

Yup. It makes me want to burn things down. I'm all for equality and activism and whatever, but I think, here at least, we can safely file this under "missing the fucking point" and be done with it.

@avclub-e9dfccd8e4fe70ca5df4538f67cf445d:disqus You had me until you mentioned Tangerine Dream. Now I'm writing you a check. What Kickstarter do I send this to?

Article of the year. Hands down.

I just learned about this the other day. There's a whole tumblr about it.

Gone but not forgotten.

This is like your "only children watch animation" rant all over again.

I just emailed you, but I live in Brooklyn/work in Manhattan so either is doable.