Gary X

I don't think the GOP is smart enough to be a B-level Bond villain.

Yeah, I like(d) it. It was also pretty damn daring for a band like them to experiment with their sound so much. @KyleRyan:disqus is also correct, though, in that the spoken-word part is the major misstep.

Recently saw this and thought the same, but beyond that he really does nail a lot of the idiosyncrasies and color of the characters that populate Texas.

Actually, he still has a shot.

I'm just watching it now, and it was the first episode of the series I've actually cared about (and it also finally felt like the actors were settling into the roles). I'm glad to know this is an indication of where it's headed.

I feel like, up to this point at least, Breaking Bad hasn't been very interested in shocking you with twists and turns in its action. Rather, it spells it out beforehand so that it can twist the knife and draw out the tension as much as possible. You always know it's coming, but you just don't know when. It's like

Miller, I've been reading through these old articles and comments as I watch the show, and your comments have just been the best.

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus Actually, you're probably right @avclub-96f15daceb6669363fbf7f762ed57703:disqus . If you're in S4, there's an episode called "Bug," but the title refers to a tracking device (ie, bugging someone). "Fly" was S3/Ep10.

8 months after this, and I'm reading it! Was confused as to what everyone was complaining about.

Hey, me too! I just watched "Crawl Space" last night. Where are you?

Pretty sure he's the least hateable character on it.

Don't forget his bike. Oh man, that bike.

Well, that's pretty dumb.

There was a nomination period in which people wrote in for nominees. I culled the most popular ones down to the final nominees who were then voted on.

I just named it after you because you came up with the idea. I'll remove that, if you want.

Hipster D-Bag has an arc now? More so than usual?

I'm debating on just having a "Writers we lost this year." video.

"The A.A. Dowd C+ Award for Gutless Mediocrity, as seen in Beasts of the Southern Wild"

Always love a good sez.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to work The Dissolve into it or run it parrallel. Maybe the AV Club Movie Awards as Sponsored/Replaced by The Dissolve or something. Except for "Best C+ Film of the Year."