Gary X

I think a Best Handjob category would get real awkward real fast.

Well, I'm considering it, but it wouldn't happen for at least another two years (I don't want to go to school until I have my license), so of course.

Oh, absolutely. I've been intermingling some books on writing with my other reads (only started with a Gardner and something else and then spread out from the books's references) and even before I read those, that point was painstakingly apparent. Apart from the love of the act, I'd like to engage my CW muscles more

You can't win them all. Funny, though, if you're remembering correctly. Writing was the only thing other than architecture I wanted to do—which is odd as pretty much all of my high school electives were AP science classes—so it seems like something at least worth looking into.Though, obviously, I'm trying to write on

Ah that's also a good one. There's a lot of articles within articles here that would be nice to call attention to. Good thinking!

Ah! OK. I understand. Thanks for the clarification.

That actually surprises me because I remember while doing the awards last year that quite a few people were uneasy about the commenter awards.

Hm. I had no idea Nouvel wrote a novel. That'd be funny to read. That it wasn't well received, though, is not surprising; most architects I know, especially the ones who write, are fairly terrible writers. Some can be quite good, but they often tend to lose themselves in their navel-gazing.

Oh, no that's totally fine. Just feel it was a pointless exercise?

On a wild night he went through the dark of the apple orchards downriver while a storm swept in and lightning marked him out with his empty sack. The trees reared like horses all about him in the wind and the fruit fell to the ground like the disordered clop of hooves.

If you have specific commenter award ideas in mind, I'd love to hear them.

I say go for it, but I'm an optimist like that and am considering doing something similar. Though, I already have a chunk of debt, so my biggest thing is definitely that.

Where'd you study Creative Writing? I'm thinking about doing it, but I have a bachelors in architecture, am nearly licensed, and licensed for LEED, which doesn't pay well but, I figured, would work as a draining day job.

That might be truer than I'd like it to be.

I'm still here/on twitter.
By the way, you guys, I know of some sluts if you're looking for them. You just need to follow this sketchy link: [MODERATOR'S NOTE: REMOVED. PLEASE DO NOT POST MALICIOUS LINKS]

There wasn't anything for TV Club Classic, no, but that's a good one. I'll see how I can fit it in.

I included some Gameological Society-centric awards last year and cross-posted it there as well. I plan to do the same with, maybe, a stronger showing in some of the "Best of the AV Club" categories.

Thanks. I just know there was a lot of complaints about the voting categories being too numerous and taking too long along with a few other general complaints, so I want to try to streamline the process as much as possible, EA-style, which, of course, means that there will now be micro-transactions for every vote