Gary X

Nah, it's not as good. It's not even the best show on TV now.

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus @avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus

There's a portion in the forward of Slow Learner where he's talking about how much he loves genre books and in particular, spy novels. It doesn't seem that surprising that he would follow a genre mold in Inherent Vice.. Maybe here (and this is without reading the book), he then wanted to try pushing beyond those

I guess I missed something?

@avclub-a61f27ab2165df0e18cc9433bd7f27c5:disqus @avclub-85e8c95abb4d0498d71f1d5dacd6f5e6:disqus Poekler's section in Gravity's Rainbow affected me similarly to Maijistral's section in V. Both episodes of sincere emotion and life stamped out by the cruelty of an indifferent world in which the venomous viewpoints have

It also makes me feel like I need to read and intimately understand a billion things before ever touching a pen again.

Ugh. Those people.

This is the best comment.

Me. Fucking. Too.

When in doubt, be a genius.

It's funny after so many genre spanning novels, he's releasing back to back novels about private investigators. Maybe Pynchon's just gotten himself into CSI and the like these days.

Could not agree more. It's further made problematic by the mentality that so many larger firms have: "Well, there's always more." And it's frustrating because it's true. There's always someone who doesn't need to work for money and will take those jobs willingly.

"That's some bullshit right there, and I'm seriously thinking about organizing some other like-minded students to try and change the mind of our administration."

@avclub-323aa7922be1469211402b1b379feedb:disqus  LOL, OK.
I have gone from unwanted to an elitist figurehead. Thus the circle is complete.

You don't really need to. In the Thick of It is fantastic, but In the Loop still works fantastically on its own. I'd suggest watching it and then, if you like it which you will, seeking out In the Thick of It.

He left with Rabin and co for The Dissolve.

Hey, I didn't say it wasn't me.

He likes the zooms.

No, he's our Armond White.

"Oh no!" said almost no one except for the one dude with some comic pages stuck together.