Gary X

Yeah the attempt part is the important distinguisher for me.

Well, yeah, but that's a larger problem in that Superman (written correctly) wouldn't allow all that collateral damage to happen.

Snyder's argument is that this is the moment in Superman's life that makes killing so abhorrent to him. It ends with him having to go against his natural instincts in the heat of the moment, and the result is the popular Superman that we all know.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus The Pa Kent stuff (and especially how he dies) really undoes a lot of the film for me.

@avclub-153f08f81bce94a093b6f55f77fded4f:disqus Welcome to AV Club. Gentle Herpes is not 4chan.

I was honestly impressed with the Zimmer score. It's a little "zimmer drone" in parts, but it strikes the tone better than his last Batman soundtrack did.

God, that one trailer made me so fucking hopeful.

Yeah, I haven't seen The Sopranos yet either. Been meaning to start.
Still a damn bummer. I've loved him in most other things I've seen him in.

His wider internet presence suggests that he's probably just one dude who knows all there is to know about OWNAGE and not some AV Club creation.

They would've kept having the main character get "knocked out" and come to after the battle or something.

Isn't that sort of the 28 Days Later style infected though? I never saw the sequel, but it seemed to me that they lost all their humanity and just become mindless killing machines.

I could see it as more a franchise.

Doesn't he say they can walk under water though? That always seemed like a glaring flaw to the "thought out zombie apocalypse" thing.

This is probably true because the children of famous people are never crazy.

he said with a sigh.

Ratatouille remains the only one I've never seen.

@avclub-2b07bb81390ccae4d6f77b8d475c6a28:disqus Counterpoint: the space waltz or whatever after they meet the humans (though not touching on them, yeah) is probably is one of the most heartwarming "romance" sequences ever rendered on film.

You know nothing, @avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus .

^^^ GETS IT.

Yeah, the middle section when it became a sort of small-town flick was wonderful. The "plot" on either end was terrible.