Gary X

I am honestly most bummed (outside of just being bummed about his death) that he will never get a chance to be on VEEP.

Oh, I don't think the early ones did at all. It was as the license sets have gotten bigger and bigger and Lego has relied on them more and more.

Rewatching this series, I've realized LOST needed more episodes like "Tricia Tanaka is Dead."

"Seth MacFarlane to voice seven-leaf clover in extended buddy travel spoofing, big-band featuring Futurama series finale!"

Well, fuck that.


We had a place with the same name in my hometown.

Let it go.

I like to think the person who wrote that was taken a back because he is a particularly fit thirtysomething male, intellectual.

Hot Pie?

Do they even print the alternative stuff on it anymore? I remember my sets had something you had the instructions to build, but on the back of the box and/or inside the front flap (depending on its size) it would have a whole bunch of other awesome looking shit that could be built with the pieces.

I thought that's what it was. I'm not sure if I should be upset that it's not a terrible techno cover and is actually just a terrible song.

I just wrote, basically, the more pretentious version of this above.

I actually think the more generic sets were better. Once they started getting the licenses, they began to manufacture lots of "unique" pieces in order to better replicate sets and what not which has resulted in sets losing their flexibility. It's not as much about creating as it is about recreating now.

That music is rough though.

The fact that the main character literally seems to be Andy is a good start.


@avclub-f6f154417c4665861583f9b9c4afafa2:disqus Whenever anyone complains about Pynchon being too "difficult" now, I just show them the "fuck you" song set to the Mouseketeer theme.

So is my best friend from home.

I'm a big fan of the J Crew Ludlow for a cheaper suit.