Gary X

Shit, I didn't know you were from Texas.

What kind of telescope?

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus My only other thought besides "I hope you get better" was me wondering if this was when you played way too much GTA: San Andreas.

I was just reading a chapter in Light of August about how the dietitian fucks over Joe Christmas as a child, thinking "Damn, it's almost stomach churning to see someone just so blatantly own her own racism but be so oblivious about it at the same time."

That sounds like a truly terrible experience. I'm sorry, HipsterDBag. I hope you find someone/a way to get over it.

I love me some bluegrass so I'll check it out.

Guys, I really want a Filson Leather briefcase, but I can't bring myself to pay 800 bucks for one. Does anyone know of one similar but that's actually siff leather and doesn't, you know, suck?

I think those ads are just meant to be a litmus test for how much of a nerd you are.

As someone trying to build his own website while knowing very little, I feel your pain.

What happened?

I meant it as sarcasm. Should've gone with "Well it's definitely better than Man of Steel!" maybe.

< >

The Narrator Returns did!

Are you a Communist?

It's weird to me that this isn't really that far off from a functional construction relationship. If you get a great contractor, then awesome! Otherwise, it's understood that you're going to yell at each other and curse at each other some and then both get over it.

@TheSensitiveGhostOfSethPu:disqus I messed that up. Fixed it now. But I'll check those out, thanks!

To be fair, that specific reference is hard to differentiate between the Critic and MST3k. I like to think it's a twofer.

Maybe he could just walk through all the sets for a bit while an unseen narrator reads a separate story over it?

I don't think anyone on staff enjoyed it.

So I'm sort of an yougin in the ways of the "metal." If I dig the new Deafheaven what else should I check out? I'm pretty open for most things (No A7X!). I was a big fan of that Swans album last year, like the rougher parts of the new Sigur Ros a lot, and my buddy gave me some of his sister's boyfriends stuff