Gary X

[posted in wrong place]

Sorry, who's blowing what?

Well, it's definitely better than Man of Steel.

Nope. Especially since your sign was supposed to shift or whatever but then not really? I find it pretty dumb—minus the Onion horoscopes.

I love that the shirt has the bizarre basketball skin look on it.

To be fair, it would've worked better as a $1.00 iOS game that really challenges our conceptions of what a subway ride distraction can be.

Comments (22984)

OR: sequel bait.

Well, that was the cut idea.

I hated Prometheus but I still think LOST mostly made sense. Really the flash sideways stuff (admittedly a big part of the 6th season) was what fell flat.

Prometheus 2: American Idiot
With Music by Green Day

To your second point: they've never seen aliens before. Sort of why the discovery is a big deal. And you think they would be able to tell that a thing hissing and displaying in that way was probably at least a little pissy. I encountered a rattlesnake as a child before I even really knew what it was, but the way it

But seriously, I want them to go with the original idea.

Well, maybe? It was clearly written on a mean, weekend long Cheeto binge while TNT (We Know Drama [TM]) presented Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.

Was this something Lindelof removed?

But so, so stupid.

Promotheus 2: We Went with the Alien Jesus Idea After All

Man, you guys. I can't wait to see how many of these albums don't make it on to the AV Club's end of year list.

I'd rather we stop the menace that is super hero movies first.

The darkness in this record isn't any stronger than what was on AB or the second half of ( ).
It's a really great album though.