Gary X

Ha! Perfect. Having all that acid or whatever-I-put-above-the-door-in-the-NES-game dropped on him did not help, I'm sure.

@avclub-641aa381139a7254f52aaf4bfc5d99da:disqus Shit, you're right. Oh well. I can never spell their songs.

So Dan Harmon is a member of the Whole Sick Crew?

Your dad is Lighting McQueen?

I like that they can throw that line in there like it means anything.

Yeah, any of the default ones suck, but I've found good info/help on building a PC and various program help on the smaller, more focused subreddits before.

Yeah. I had an ex who always watched it. He was insufferable in the right kind of Reality TV way.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus Oh yeah, that was this year. I haven't given it a listen yet. I liked the direction they were headed in with the last year. I heard it was a continuation of that.

I've always thought the Scott guy had watched American Psycho and then decided to model himself after it rather than grasp the satire.

His Cars 2 is coming.

God, I love "Blood on the Leaves."

@avclub-e2684ea2157a2423b7463536886837b2:disqus Shit, I totally forgot about that Bowie album. I need to give that more of a listen. Really liked the bit of it I played though it made me just go listen to his older ones, but you're right that he's still got it. I didn't know British Sea Power or Wavves had put out an

I don't know how you determine something is a classic so immediately (since whatever that means always seems to take time to really process and reevaluate and I don't know that you have to have lots of "classics" for the year in music to be good), but albums that have come out this year I've really enjoyed in no

Yeah, gave it a spin when I got in this morning, and it's pretty damn good. I love its aggressive style.

The video for that and "Hoppilla" where my introduction as well. They both still get me quite a bit. Something about the older people's joy in the latter just cuts straight through all my cynicism and nails my heart. Almost painfully good.

Maybe I was just never in the write headspace for it. I wanted to love it (as I do with all their stuff), but it just never clicked for me.

TRANSLATION: 2013 is a really good year for music.

@avclub-595675a771ced4a4e62f56480fc9f893:disqus Man, I need to get on this Tumblr thing. Seems like you can just magically make half-hearted apologies on it that fix everything or use it for narcissistic social justice.

Yeah, he can say "well it wasn't very good." but immediately jumping to an extended rape analogy? Nope.

Yeah, I'll just third or fourth it and say start with Ágætis byrjun. There are a few good tracks off Von, but I think it helps to be a fan first. While AB might be my favorite albums of theirs, I think my favorite songs come off ( ) and Takk….