Gary X

This year is fucking killing it.

I liked the ass running one that came out after Takk… thought not quite as much as anything before it. I barely remember the one that came out last year. I enjoyed it at first, but it didn't really give me the multiple listens they normally do.

All I really need to hear.

I bet he goes on Facebook and tells everyone's mom what the fuck is up with SCIENCE!

A-fucking-greed. I don't see why everyone's down on this. Looks awesome.

@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus Man, I didn't think anyone else had scene Boomtown.

Yeah, I don't get the negativity. It looks like Goodfellas: Wall Street and after the last few Scorsese flicks that sounds fucking awesome to me.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this isn't praising him. We should at least give Scorsese a bit of a chance.

Pig Bodine does not agree. He saw it fry hamburger meat once.

Isn't that actually the plot line for the musical or something?

Me too! A buddy of mine cites it as his favorite book (and it was the basis for his thesis project: an orphanage in NC), and his recommendation is enough for me to expect great things. Of course, Faulkner is one of my favorites, though I still haven't read enough of him, so I expect to like it quite a bit at the very

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus It's surprising to me how much men are showed without body hair. Like I find it weird? Also my brother once made a comment to me about "Oh, you don't shave your chest?" and it was the weirdest fucking thing ever. Do guys do that?


I dunno, most people in that thread (ie, here: http://www.avclub.com/artic… ) seem to decide that so long as it's funny then it's not a big deal. But this one wasn't particularly funny, so still kind of trivializing rape? At best, it's pretty tone deaf.

Oh, Jordo. Don't say that.

Well, I haven't.

No because you see, we live in a super complicated world where different perspectives collide to create lenses we have to look through in order to distinguish the context around the case. Here the internet widely likes this guy so no. Definitely not.

No, but it would be funny if 1 Dan Harmon made a terrible Season 5 and then had this quote to start the whole thing off.

@avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus I agree. He probably didn't realize Season 3 was as bad as it was at the time.

It's called team spirit. Everyone loves it when their boss starts off his new tenure with "You guys sure fucking sucked! Basically raped shit! And made me look at blowjobs! Pretending you cut yourselves for this show, ha ha! Hey, look at this photo of myself crying after watching the season. The blogs loved it!"