Gary X

I thought it was HipsterDbag: The Movie.

I still haven't seen Chinatown or Miller's Crossing.

I think I enjoyed House of Leaves in theory more than execution. It needed a really good editor to trim some of the fat down. Sequences in it were some of the most effectively creepy and inventive I've read, but it's surrounded by stuff that I'm not sure needed to be there. I think the formalness of the formatting has

Borges is best.

It's a different scale, but I feel like that's sort of what Christopher Nolan was doing with The Prestige and Inception in between the Batman films. The former in particular felt like Nolan taking a breather from the big blockbuster. I'd actually like to see him making something on a smaller scale like that—or even Mem

Yeah, I think that's basically the case with the second season. You'd get episodes that had huge ramifications regarding the Island or Others and then just lots of sitting around and figuring out what to do. There's also the talk of training an army that ultimately leads to nothing, but it's a bit more manageable

Totally understandable. One of my favorite things about moving to NYC is being able to go to Strand's Rare Book floor and just leaf through some of their stuff. There's also something reaaaally satisfying about stumbling upon a sought treasure rather than just going to gimmenow.org and clicking on "add to cart."

I love Dune. Always and forever.

We have been to the same half price books, probably, weird!

Wow, you've seen them all? That's impressive. I still only have Ikiru, Seven Samurai, and Yojimbo. So many more to go. Part of me was strongly tempted to buy that huge set Criterion had, but my wallet is glad I didn't.

This is my first rewatch as well. It's been interesting. Beginning of Season 3 wasn't good, but also was not as bad as I remembered it being.

I've heard the Kurosawa book is pretty good from my buddy who did his thesis partly on Seven Samurai. He also read Something Like an Autobiography and liked it a lot.

How far are you into Lost? Still watching it with my gf and we just got up to "Flashes Before Your Eyes" and she's humorously confused. I've already told her the next episode is pretty much the worst.

I thought Zimmer did pretty well with the score. A little too much of the Zimmer drone, but still pretty good.

You should at least see the third. It's the End of Cinema, after all.

Just keep watching.

Yeah, saw that people said that, and I guess I'll just hope they touch on it in a sequel.

I'll have to get them off my home computer and post them here if I remember. I stumbled across them just by googling shit.

He does several though he was trained in taekwondo when he was young and that's sort of always been his "main," so to speak. Even when flashier forms of martial arts or more "real" ones (the mma thing is huge right now, apparently), he's always stuck to that and will really talk up how it affecting his life view, so I

You're welcome! I haven't even really read either of them except for bits and pieces (finally ordered the first trades for both), but I just love that article a lot. Really gets at what I love about comics in general.