Gary X

Finished up V. (which then led to reading some essays on it and reading more essays on Gravity's Rainbow) and started Light in August. Rest of the weekend was spent helping my girlfriend move and then just enjoying a non rainy day for once. Called the Pops for Father's Day, and apparently, he's getting in both the

I love Faulkner. I just started Light in August yesterday.

I imagine you could just use two browsers if you really wanted to go through the trouble of that.

Someone brought one into the office.

Like a particularly mean Kilroy.

Fuck that.

Yeah, fuck these memories.

Should've gone with the hat, Hat.

Disney, probably.

Can't not hear Lucille saying it.

Well, he didn't have to buy it.

Hoo boy, you really stuck your dick in it today, Dikachu.

Wait, who is dikachu on twitter?

Wait, we like the remake now? I thought we were all in agreement that it was kinda shitty, and the shoehorned in "Daddy problems!!!" Freudian subplot was a mess.
Also the songs were terrible and showing the other kids were OK was kind of unnecessary.

Well, last time I made some fish tacos, but I don't know that I would, personally, call my Netflix binging a "festival." Whatever floats your guys' boats though.

"Ugh, this bag is worse than Man of Steel."

Deal. The lineup with Howie Mandel was a little shaky.

History is doomed to repeat itself.

"When I’m at home and cleaning the house or something I’m not like, “Man, that was cool when I did Bad Boys II. That was really interesting.”"

We always count Puma Man.