Cill Bosby

During the election campaign, various right wing friends of mine would mention about Palin "and she is hot". I found this facinating. I started to wonder if fuckability was a new right-wing criteria for selecting a candidate. It seems so out of touch with their other selection criteria. Does this mean they also

Oh, the blackrock is going to be the crux of the story, I'd wager. Alpert is, I think, the consciousness of the island.

Marshall Law all the way.

Thanks to Andy, Ellie, and Dave78 for those good points. My problem with the "holocaust industry" and that is what it is, is that it generates loads of revenue for folks writing books, making movies, etc, and its essentially verboten to criticize anyone for the inordinate amount of attention paid to one singular,

Nemesis the Warlock would be amazing—and I've seen some preproduction drawing for a new Judge Dredd that look fantastic.

Nemesis the Warlock would be amazing—and I've seen some preproduction drawing for a new Judge Dredd that look fantastic.

Points taken Messrs. Waits and Plisskin. I appreciate your feedback on this issue. I suppose I'm just bitchy because once again the old adage was true, star in a holocaust movie, win an oscar!

Seems to me that those people probably won't believe in a Holocaust no matter what we throw their way. Probably won't believe the earth is round, either. Fun Fact, there have been more than one genocide committed on this planet. Some recently even. I don't want to get tarred and feathered as an anti-semite, but

I have to agree with Lovecraft in Brooklyn-there needs to be a 10 year moratorium on all holocaust pictures. No matter how good the source material. We're all pretty much aware it happened, thanks.
I'm waiting for the Holocaust picture about a retarded gay jew-whoever plays the role will undoubtably win at least


They might make it work, if they have the sense not to get into the cliche "it's my sister" bs. The writers need to be brutal about it, build up a relationship with the sister and then kill her—add some teeth and a real sense of tension to the show, and prove to the audience that nothing is sacred. But they'll

Did anyone else
read the title and burst out laughing after seeing the first two words of the article? I didn't even have to read the fucking thing to know how terribly, terribly awful this film will be.

In defense of "Brick" people did actually die, and not just get shot with cream-puff guns. I'm just sayin.