
Don't forget Top Gun. Maverick loses the Top Gun competition to Iceman because of his grief over Goose's death.

I was disappointed Part 13 didn't wrap up the identity of Mia Kirshner's character and how she fits into the story. The whole time I thought her character was Danny's accomplice in some kind of nefarious plan against the rest of the Rayburn family. But the Wikipedia page entry lists her character as Sarah Rayburn,

Here's a quote from Butters off the South Park scriptorium:"No! This is our home! And I'm sick of everyone who thinks they're better than me just 'cause they've got good looks, and just 'cause, even after Mask 3 andn Daredevil, they happen to come back and hit a home run that everyone likes"Mask 3 andn Daredevil?! I

Here's a quote from Butters off the South Park scriptorium:"No! This is our home! And I'm sick of everyone who thinks they're better than me just 'cause they've got good looks, and just 'cause, even after Mask 3 andn Daredevil, they happen to come back and hit a home run that everyone likes"Mask 3 andn Daredevil?! I