Booji Boy

Not the best episodes by far
But still very funny. And the appearance of Green Man made up for any slow spots.

Was it The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly?
That opens with the bad guy taking a cherubic toddler outside and shooting him? Now that was grim.

Speaking of Cannibals, there was a candid camera-style show that came out around 200-2001ish (shortly after Survivor and Fear Factor became big) called SpyTV. One of the stunts that they did was a fake audition for a reality TV show.
The set up was getting a bunch of people to do silly little stunts to

come rant with me
That attitude will not "unbang" your mom.

Premiere with the grave accent
Why not? Don't cost nothing and it looks fancy.

Joan Jett winked at me once at a concert
True story.

That's yesterday's cute college girl of the day. You can't fool me. I never forget a face.

NFL Films
Nothing makes me smile more than hearing a brass arrangement of "What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor" as your team mounts a comeback.

Hey Zeus
I'm pretty sure the "tv theory" has been pretty well debunked.

Wisconsin Alumni Mag
Had an interesting feature on savantism in the last issue. Anyhow, in a callout box feature they discuss Rain Man, and how consultants actually de-Hollywood-ized it. Apparently, in the original ending, Charlie was "cured" of his autism. By and large, though, the quoted expert seems to feel that