
Matos! Bummed your beat connection column ended, have you started a similar recap-style column on another site/blog?

Great album
Innovative and fresh sounding, this album will age very well. Especially the first disc

Top notch list
Matos, this column has become one of my monthly fixes, i hope you plan to keep this column for a while as it seems we have similar tastes. That girl unit mix was so crucial.

charlie sheen

very interesting….
The visuals are excellent, the humor in some parts left me in fits but in other places were kinda weak….definitely promising though and i think ill keep watching it merely to see what monstrosity they characterize different types of people with. I was curious as to who they throw under the bus and

Never realized cupcakes were a trend or infuriating, boy am i behind the times!

Irony is the new fuck, people seem to just use it in any context or situation, gotta love it.

i may be reading this wrong, but the event listings will still be continuing?

The least you could have done was told us ahead of time so we all could have (only then) began to read and comment on the articles.

Very sad to see it go, it actually was very on point for dining and event listings. Are the pages going to be archived somewhere at least? A fan needs some closure!

too far.

I actually dont mind the league, it has some pretty funny moments. As for archer, what time is it on? I always see the previews and it looks interesting but i thought it was premiering in january

the nightman return-eth.

Season Five
I thought this season was pretty good, consistently better than season four but not nearly as good as seasons one and two. that being said, this episode was on par with the funniest episodes of its always sunny, its really a shame that this was the finale, they seemed to nail it for this one.

Since you are one of the few music writers i actually enjoy reading, i was beyond stoked to see you list dj koze's album the best of '09, couldnt agree more.

meant to say acid house but i guess that works as well…

if youre into acid check out stuff by dj pierre, marshall jefferson, and adam x. very good stuff.

Jenn Cardini
She is fantastic, i would recommend checking out her feeling strange release…70 minutes of pure, gauche energy.

well dbbbie d, i dont know about an opinion being stupid. but you made a good point and you are absolutely right flex.

anything by el-b