
When I can't sleep, I watch botfly removal videos on Youtube. It is quite a fascinating and disturbing sight to see. One guy removed them with duct tape and hemostats!

A third season would have been ideal, for sure, but the show ended on such a beautiful note. Everyone on that show was just brilliant.

We will probably never know. It seems unlikely that he would have only done it the one time, because what he was doing was quite methodical and planned out. It really blows when the creator of a piece of work that you love turns out to be a really shitty douchebag who deserves prison.

My method is to only pay attention to entertainment he made before the rape happened. It probably makes no sense, but at least I can enjoy "Chinatown" again.


Yep. It was all going on during a Nazi invasion in WWII.

That's kind of how it was when I rewatched "Bedknobs and Broomsticks." I remembered a witch, being a cartoon under the sea, and the awesome fight scene at the end. What I didn't remember was the giant bomb and that they were fighting Nazis.

Kind of like with Roman Polanski.

I've read about that, and it's pretty disturbing. I'm an atheist, but the idea that my Vietnam draftee dad is somehow not a good Christian because he has PTSD after seeing his best buddy step on a landmine is just sick to me.

Or Mel Gibson.

I will be ODing on "Trailer Park Boys" this weekend. That show never ceases to make me laugh, and has even made me tear up a couple times. (How can you not tear up at Steve French, or during the Christmas special?) I just love the boys, and wish more people would watch it. It is available on Netflix for streaming.

You are my hero.

Are we going to have a season four with Carrie suffering from both bi-polar disorder and severe post-partum depression?

Also, by getting her clean and getting her to trust him, he was in a far better position to be able to finally get the truth out of her.

I imagine it would be something like how early episodes of "Dexter" got rave reviews, and then it all just turned to shit after awhile. (Though I personally like to pretend that the show ended before New Becky arrived.)

I fourth it. I rewatched it over the summer with my wife, who was a first time viewer, and it was even better than I remembered. I would love to see the reviewer's reaction to Steve French and his weedjitas, or the Christmas special.

He smells like compensation. Compensation for the fact that he hasn't bathed in days.

I agree that this season is better than the third, but I still loved season three. It had some beautiful sequences. Take, for example, the night club on the 4th of July when Kenny and his half-brother set off the fireworks because no one would go to his party. And I loved everything that had to do with his mother, the

Oh, I know! My wife was forbidden from listening to him because her uber-religious mother said she heard he had ribs removed so he could suck his own dick on stage. (ICP was fine with her though, go figure.)

I always thought it was forks on the left, knives and spoons on the right. Though I learned that from a play I was in when I was seven, so I am probably dead wrong in how I set the dinner table.