fighting polish

As a Notre Dame alum, really unsure about the news that Ken's father in law and I share an alma mater.

That "dude that plays Jamm" is Jon from Delocated, you ass


A good friend of mine and I are big baseball fans, and we were discussing this movie.  Neither of us were looking forward to it, because while a Jackie Robinson movie done *RIGHT* would be incredible, we had no hope that they would actually pull it off.

I wonder how his sci-fi novel is coming along

Pete and Harry's sideburns are my favorite characters from tonight's episodes.

I'm legitimately bummed that they'll never port the remaining Monkey Islands to iPad now.

Worst episode of Undercover ever.

Colin Quinn is also the best at Twitter.  A double threat!

I think the best Podcast i listened to this week was the Scientific Podcast goes Boink! with Jeb Lund, aka the Internet's Mobutu Sese Seko

Duncan Trussell is a weird, weird guy.

Important SNL sketch linked below:

If I could somehow un-see Tron Legacy and just remember Daft Punk's awesome score, that would be fine.

M-83! Woo!

What the hell happened to you, Antoine Fuqua

Excuse me, in THIS house, we refer to him by his proper name, "Jon."

Wait, Jash is real?  I just assumed, based on today's Comedy Bang! Bang! that it was an elaborate joke.  (as it is spearheaded by Tim and Eric, that option is still on the table).

Hello, Bret.  It's 1972 David Bowie, from the Ziggy Stardust tour.