fighting polish

That Syracuse burn has extra meaning, considering Kroll went to Georgetown.  (Hoya Saxa!)

And no Trish either.  I wanted to see if those crazy kids made it!

In the episodes with Jon's brother and Jon's parents, he gives incredible performances.

I am OFFENDED by this casting.  Blackface is NEVER acceptable, Hollywood.

As the wonderful John Mulaney says, he is what a hobo imagines a rich man to be.

You wrote this article for the sole purpose of getting Donald Trump to call you a "Dummy" on twitter, right?

Greg Proops once referred to this show (paraphrasing an Internet comment) as being about "Two gay raptors trying to hail a cab" and now I can't think of anything else when I think about Whose Line is it Anyway

There are, ahem, certain websites that you can visit that shouldn't be linked in the comments of this board.


Speaking of Gillian Jacobs, she somehow became the only person in the world who is good at Vine.

Again, I say to you, NO!

Is there a podcast that is as consistently entertaining as the Yo! Is this Racist? Podcast?

He seems pretty normal.

True story: Because I watched IASIP, Netflix recommended that I watch Serpico.

Technically, Kristen Wiig has been nominated for an Oscar (for writing, tho, not acting)

Oh yea, and Toby and Josh are just assholes to her for no reason?  And nobody comments on the fact that they're being assholes?


Gillian Jacobs should be on every podcast.

The visual of Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner having old man dates, just sitting around eating ice cream and watching Justified, is absolutely adorable to me.

True or False: Bruce Willis rises (or falls) exactly to the level of the movie around him.