
Yeah, that hits… terrifyingly close to home.

That's really not what happens in this season.

Something something "you're a crook, Captain Hook" with some ellipses sprinkled in randomly. It's Sunday, what do you want from me?

Oh, it's been a long two weeks. Welcome back, Sean.

I don't normally watch SNL, so I have to ask - was she doing a recurring character, or was that just really bad writing/acting?

" a phrase describing a pair of lovers whose relationship is often thwarted by outside forces."

On an entirely unrelated note (like most comments on The AV Club, I suppose), did anyone else find the audience on The Colbert Report last night to be more obnoxious than normal? I mean, I love the show, but sometimes the audience can just make it unbearable.

Back when I was a young 'un, I inherited my dad's collection of Bloom County books, including Billy And The Boingers Bootleg, and was always confused/irritated that the lyrics to the two songs were included, but the disc had long been lost. I'd never thought to find them on Youtube before - thanks!

I preferred it when Bloom County did it - lest we forget our favourite heavy metal (ok, fine, weighty brass) artist: https://si0.twimg.com/profi…

Of course, that's not entirely true. In that he did at least two, unprompted Jack Nicholson impressions in his audition. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Like fendjinn says, not at all. Parks & Recreation is shown on BBC4 here - does that make it a BBC show?

I'm really getting sick of this. Aside from the arguments about all of our TV being lumped into one place (haha, England's tiny! etc.), it's just lazy. It's literally in the first half of the first sentence on the Wikipedia article - "Broadchurch is a British television crime drama broadcast on ITV"

Jokes about swearing in Doctor Who aside, I'm genuinely thrilled by this. Much as I loved Tennant and Smith in the role, it'll be nice to see it in a new direction.

And it was all over so soon…
Thank you, Donna. Just thanks. Being a 17 year old in England, I had never heard of this before a few months ago, when a clip from The Cane was featured in an AVQ&A answer about Phil Hartman. From then, in the space of not much more than a week, I got through. This was considerably