Floating Hatchet

Wow… a lot of spoilers on this thread. Record?

I thought Happy Endings was a cert to be renewed?


Oh no, I'm a big fan… apologies… Elwood, Miller and Holmes are great; that was a just perfect storm of vociferous guests and I had a peach of a hangover.

God damn, Graham Elwood shouts a hell of a lot…

Oh pointy birds, oh pointy pointy…

If you're doing a Gateway on top British TV writers, then Paul Abbott should be a must. Cracker, Shameless, State of Play, Touching Evil all fantastic.

**orders the steak, tips waiter**

Surely if you were a good smuggler, you wouldn't be legendary 

That's should've been the bad guy from Ghostbusters 2

I don't get it…

Anyone who's not Joey or Pheobe in Friends
Dana Scully in X Files
Jax Teller in Sons of Anarchy (I'm probably wrong about that)
Shia Labeouf in anything

Do we know if it's been renewed?

Him and Dana Gould sound identical

Damn it… America only. Thanks very much, Obama

Demin vest is coming over… he's smoothing it!

I only came here because it said "VAG" on the Coming Distractions section….

Hey, I can sympathise… I certainly am going to die alone, unless I go through with my bus hijack plan.

It isn't just the youth vote he's courting… many of my in their 30s female friends want to do unspeakable things to this guy.

Thanks for the picture… now I'm going to have to change my underwear