Sister Jude the Obscure

Not to be too pedantic, but they were not on the same "improv team" at Second City. They created multiple scripted two-act comedy revues together - a much different art form than an improv show (although SC does use improv to develop the material, and occasional improvisational elements in their revues).

I disagree. The reason most overweight people feel bad about themselves is that it is pounded into our heads from childhood that it is a shameful, horrible, thing, and that we are bad people because we can't control what we eat. Of course telling people "big is beautiful" won't make people feel better. But being fat

The thing is, your friends already know they need to lose weight. It's not news to them. And it's not helpful to hear something from a friend that you're already ashamed of. Doesn't mean that they don't need to lose weight. Just that hearing a lecture from a friend doesn't help in any way, and can make things worse

There's a reason a lot of people who have bariatric surgery subsequently become alcoholics when they weren't before - they transfer addictions.

You don't get that overweight by skipping a few workouts and drinking a few Pepsis. There is no doubt that this is an eating compulsion, and people that are slightly-to-moderately overweight can't really draw parallels from their experience to that of those who are morbidly obese. That doesn't mean that it's not the