
Ah, now I see you're right. I didn't read the OP to the end. Clearly it was sarcastic. But I meant what I said about removing the Confederate monuments legally. I want them gone, but I don't want to delegate the task to mobs.

Yeah, because it's a binary choice between letting angry mobs destroy Confederate monuments or letting them stand in perpetuity. /s

Agreed. I'm for removing Confederate monuments legally, but not this vigilante method. The fact is many or most figures in American history have been odious fuckheads, and many of them have monuments. If you give everyone with a valid beef permission to destroy whatever public monument they want, they'll all be

I'll stick to church-burning, thank you.

Is there a character called Samwell on this show? I thought this was going to be about the "What What in the Butt" guy.

You are uncool, and I say that as a person who has been on youTube all night watching videos of bassists playing along with Gentle Giant songs.

East Germany had aluminum coins. I have some. They're really light, so maybe a muscular person could power through them. Anything heavier, no way. And I can't imagine diving in would work even with aluminum coins.

Tokyo Rosé wine.

I just assumed this. For example, those TJ soy ice cream sandwiches have always looked and tasted identical to those you get elsewhere.

Bitch House. I mean Beach.

Nice phrasing of the title to avoid snarky references to Betteridge's law of headlines. That's good writing.

Nah, that late-90's swing was so ridiculously dumbed down for mass consumption. Look at the chord charts for real swing-era jazz standards, then look at the chords for the moronic shit from the 90's. It's so simplified that it's not even the same type of music anymore.

I don't like any ska, but 3rd-wave was exceptionally kid-friendly music by design. The 3rd-wave bands predominantly played all-ages shows — frequently on double bills with pop-punk bands. This was children's music, far more so than the other waves.

Barack Obama.

Can Jimmie's Chicken Shack's Pushing the Salmanilla Envelope get an honorable mention? It came out on June 10th — just two weeks premature. It sucks donkey dick.

Pearl Jam is the classic rockiest thing that ever classic rocked, and they were marketed as alternative.

Why would you cite the Primus album as a mitigating factor? Slap bass is obnoxious crap.

I love that record still. Probably my favorite from 1997.

TekNMotion has better binders than Case Logic at a better price. I have a 400 and 320. They are a 3-ring system with removable pages, so it's easy to rearrange stuff, and the pages and outer shell are sturdy. Get them at Newegg for the best price. I recently purchased a 320 for $25.99 shipped. Binders are still

One copy of Live's Throwing Copper to find them, and in the darkness bind them.