
Democratic loyalists who argue for delaying litmus tests ALWAYS have an excuse for more delays. Their excuses are infinitely malleable to fit any scenario. They never end. The Left has got to stop getting bullied into disempowering itself. We have power if we can just find the balls to assert it.

Franken either gets with single-payer healthcare or he can fuck right off. The Left needs to make this a litmus test. Public opinion has shifted decisively in the past year. A majority of Americans (including a significant portion of Republican voters) now favor single-payer and the overwhelming majority of

I had no idea the MTV Video Music Awards was still a thing. I assumed it had quietly died long ago.

Has anybody ever tried a gritty reboot in the middle of a movie? You do the first hour a family-friendly PG, then abruptly switch to a gritty R for the 2nd hour. This could be fun.

There are so many things wrong with that scene. It gets off to bad start with "Got your heart racing, didn't I." You want the briber to be in a calm state of mind when the bribe is offered. You do NOT want the briber to be fearful and agitated at the moment of the bribe, and you damn sure don't want to admit on

Michael Clayton was mostly great but the climax was dumb. The guy coerced and bullied the crooked exec into offering him a bribe after she initially refused. That's exactly the wrong way to do it IRL. You want the bribe to be offered freely and calmly, without any hint of coercion — i.e. the opposite of what

Emerald Web added to my Amazon shopping cart. Lovely stuff.

I can't get with the concept of ironically dumb action movies. Dumb action movies just feel dumb to me.

I'll concede that Apple might have had value as a transitional record for some listeners, sort of a graceful exit ramp out of hair metal, but that's the only positive comment I can make about it. I was already old enough in 1990 to regard hair metal as silly kitsch, so I didn't need an exit ramp. Hair metal was

That Mother Love Bone record from 1990 has never gotten the hate it deserves. It's a uniquely awful hybrid of shitty L.A. glam metal and shitty alternative rock. I shudder to think of its hypothetical impact on the sensibilities of Seattle rock had it become the blockbuster hit that the industry expected.

Shit, I'll play Heydrich. I need the work too.

Your cheap-fuck boss is penny wise and pound foolish. Photoshop takes almost a minute to open on a mechanical drive and less than 5 seconds on an SSD. All those lost minutes of productivity add up. A $90 256GB SSD will quickly pay for itself if the user has to open and close bulky softwares all day. Mechanical

I agree that Paint is perfectly fine for some basic tasks. As for load times, if you have an SSD Photoshop opens up within 5 seconds. Running an OS on a mechanical drive is barbaric IMO.

"The Safety Dance" is the only novelty dance song that should ever be allowed at weddings. That's not opinion, it's fact.

I'm surprised by the absence of Rocky Horror's "The Time Warp."

Fifty Foot Hose - If Not This Time (1967). Really memorable atonal synth/guitar duet shortly after the 2:00 mark. Good song and album. Very futuristic.

Only Carrie Fisher could do this with any degree of credibility.

Where should I start with Jerry Reed?

I avoided them too because they had the reputation of being a Dead clone, but now that I hear them they sound more like country classicists with a hippie attitude. That's approximately what the Flying Burrito Brothers were. I think I could become a fan.

Which New Riders Of The Purple Sage albums do you recommend? I recently started skimming their stuff on youTube and am liking their vibe. Can you recommend similar bands and albums?