
What ripping software do you use for flac creation?

Blech on MP3 for backup purposes. MP3 is a lossy format that is no longer needed for hard drive storage, given how cheap HD space has become. You can buy a 3TB drive for $90 now. It will store the equivalent of 4,285 CDs of 700MB capacity as uncompressed WAV files. Most music CDs use far less than the full 700MB,

Yeah, classy. Or 70's. I remember back in the day you'd watch a show's intro and see something like

I didn't know about the Kill Bill thing. Figures that Tarantino would steal my idea.

I remember when movies(not TV shows) had cast members listed as "special guest star" in the credits. I've always sworn that I will never appear in a movie unless I'm credited as a special guest star.

No. You think you need that stuff. I did too. But you don't. Toss everything at once. Be ruthless about it. Do it quickly — like pulling a tooth. When it's all over you'll be glad you did it.

Same here. I'm a fan of traditional hard rock and I keep waiting for this generation to produce its own Van Halen, but it keeps not happening. However, that Crystal Fairy song is really encouraging. It's rock that rocks, which I hardly ever hear anymore.

Storing physical media is not a big deal as long as you're willing to toss the CD cases and put all the discs in a binder. I have a 400-disc binder of music that is about 90% full. It doesn't take up that much space. I also tossed all the DVD cases for my movies. Trust me, it feels good to get rid of all that

That Crystal Fairy song is right in my wheelhouse. Catchy and ballsy, with a real rock 'n' roll singer with great pipes. I will be purchasing this CD.

Yeah it's great to see the ACLU get the support it has always deserved. On the other hand, it's a bit nauseating to watch the moral preening by people who scorned the ACLU for eight years. One thing the past 15 years taught us anti-war pro-civil liberties lefties is that you can't know who's really on your side and

Mixed feelings watching the ACLU racking up donations at a record pace after facing eight years of indifference or outright hostility from liberals for its efforts to combat Obama's atrocious civil liberties record. I don't think it's unreasonable for us lefties who never stopped supporting the ACLU to be pissed off

Needs some hapless Vietnamese workers getting left behind while the Americans fly away. The horror . . .

Communicating to the wider public through wealthy snarky barely-left-of-center celebrities mugging at cameras has worked out really well for the Left. Golly I hope we never break our attachment to this highly successful communication strategy.

All of us who came of age in the Rock Era are dinosaurs. That's okay. Montrose's "Make It Last":

"My Companion" is even more jarring than Foot Foot. It's my favorite Shaggs song.

The Civil War was actually an elaborate bit of performance art. Nobody really died in those battles.

Yeah, the Shaggs actually were kind of eccentric geniuses. The chords and melodies and lyrics of some of their songs reflect some truly outside-the-box thinking for 1969. Even the ineptitude of their playing is tinged with weirdness. It's fair to debate whether the outside-the-boxness of the Shaggs' writing and

The Shaggs were oddly talented, not untalented.

Black Sabbath albums that have 8 tracks: