My Asian Girlfriend

Sooo want to read
I was going to order this from Amazon, but my Asian girlfriend disallowed it. She said the shipping fee was too much.

Rap has changed
but my Asian girlfriend is still unaccepting of homosexuals. It will take time.

I don't know what's more shocking: hearing about Amy Winehouse's passing or discovering that my Asian girlfriend has never heard of her.

Dying to see this.
I can't wait for this to open in Korea. Unfortunately, my Asian girlfriend refuses to see it with me. She says it's propaganda — and she mispronounces that word so cutely — and that I should grow up. I'm torn.

Istanbul, not North/South Korea
I've always been into TMBG, but my Asian Girlfriend can't get into them. Should we break up? In a lot of ways she's Americanized, but we argue over TMBG's global relevance.