
Moses was white?

Wait, I am so happy that the A.V. Club is reviewing Gilmore Girls. And with a dude critic, no less. I am one of these girls who would have never watched GG because *internalized sexism@8!* makes anything with "girl" in the title make me think of two princesses skipping down a sunny road hands in hands, singing about

But still better than Affleck

"Elevated the material." As in, he's usually as good as the material lets him be. Besides, isn't it kind of telling that everyone is just citing these two performances over and over again? It's like, no, he's not just a mediocre actor, he's so consistently and reliably mediocre that we're all fanning ourselves in

Eh, the movie had its problems but Affleck was at best dreadfully mediocre. In fact, Daredevil aside, I don't remember a single Affleck performance that elevated the material, and the next Batman is really, really going to have to do that for Snyder's movie.

Currently praying to the same movie god who replaced Natalie Portman with Marion Cotillard in Macbeth, hoping said god will see fit to render another miracle.

There have been some pretty stellar non-action movies this summer. You're missing out.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus There is one, right before he meets the siblings. He's at the school dance, awkwardly bobbing his head and standing against a wall. Loved Lerman in that scene.

Someone hasn't left adolescence.

By "blatant" I mean that Card is an easy target for any run-of-the-mill liberal—he's a militant homophobe and a whiny hypocrite. By contrast, there are a lot of inexplicit and hidden cultural inequalities that require you to—as much as I think this phrase is overused and tired—check your privilege and listen to the

I come to this site for a lot of terrific recaps, but recently, I've noticed some Reddit-level shit on recaps for TV shows I love. A specific example was the finale for Game of Thrones, off the top of my head—Daenerys crowd-surfing a crowd of brown people like Blonde Jesus was a loaded enough image that at least a

As much as I enjoy these comments, I gotta say, there is a considerably discrepancy between the way commenters here react to a blatant homophobe like Card versus whenever a person of color or woman tries to point out a problematic portrayal/theme in the movie or TV show that everyone is watching and enjoying.


Excuse me. But I just have to tell you. I love your voice.

The number of likes you received on this just comes to show how borderline Reddit the AV Club's become

@tt111:disqus *And more commenters who are afraid of people of color

Wait, Tumblr's a singular entity incapable of expressing differing opinions?

Martin's inspired by political history, and something like this actually did happen—Edward IV of England married a girl from a fairly insignificant house that originally was fighting for the other side during the War of the Roses, and the marriage alienated his most important ally in the process. Funny thing is, it

@avclub-e329caccd50119a7e020cb5532f30569:disqus Frankly, I don't see how much difference physical coercion and "simply" aggressive pressure would have made to a frightened 13-year-old girl alone in a room with an older strange boy. He scared her and DID try and foist himself on her multiple times before giving up,

@avclub-6eaac84b8b1cdbb855bdad02f8faa344:disqus It's worrisome to dismiss that as "silly adolescent stuff" at that age. Rapists don't become rapists by genetic default. They imbibe mentalities from the way they treat/see women being treated from a young age. Interviews with rapists have repeatedly demonstrated that