
Because nearly ALL of the cast this season sucked.

Will made a joke about eating fried chicken when they ate the chicken while the others were away eating candy.

He's a weasel. What kind of person goes digging through other people's bags? A weasel.

Iran used to have sizeable Christian and Jewish communities. These all fled the country, of course. So it's possible Shirin's family's not Muslim. She seems too intelligent to be religious at any rate.

Everytime I see Shirin, I hear the final speech scene from Revenge of the Nerds. She's one of us, gooba gabba.

I've been noticing Jenn, not to worry.

The problem with editing this way, however, is we pretty much know, from the very beginning of the episode, who will be eliminated. Ho-hum.

They'd already given up on the challenges, since it was obvious they'd never win. They're riding it out for the merger. So it made more sense to vote out a guy, since the other tribe is all guys. My guess is that Will is next (although they might keep him because he's useless in challenges.)

Noah was expendable. Just another example of how much the writers of this show hate black men. They've all been weak, ineffectual, cowards, or insane - and Noah was no exception.

No doubt the editors haven't been showing us the bits where Mike is constantly talking about his god. Guy wears a bible verse tat on his back — you know he's one of those types who never shut up about it.

He also seems to ignore the whole 'turn the other cheek' thing. To be fair, so do his other tribemates.

He works on an oil rig. That's his personal mezuzah.

She's a hair stylist, presumably self-employed, or easily employed in one or another alternative shop. I used to go to a great place in Chicago like that.

I'm with you. And if you're going to use letters, at least have them reversed, so you can read them yourself, right?