
kind of a fan
I tune in to HBO on Sunday nights, so I've given this show a chance. At first I thought it was terrible. But now I've started to enjoy it.
I'm not sure if the shows have gotten better or if I've developed a taste for it.

no reservations/top chef
I saw a commercial for this movie while I was watching Top Chef. It looks like a big producer had the great idea "Hey, Top Chef is popular. Kitchen Confidential is popular. That Rachel Ray chick is everywhere. Let's make a cooking movie!"

Mark Martini
Not one mention of Mark Martini?

spike lee on HBO
I'm happy that "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts" garnered a handful of nominations. I watched it on HBO and was dumbfounded that it didn't get any Oscar nominations. Then I realized it was made for HBO, so it would only be eligible for Emmys, rather than the Oscars.
I had minimal

funny is funny
"Raw" is fucking hilarious. Even today when much of its material is outdated.

favourite worst nightmare
Although I do really like the Amy Winehouse album, I think her producers (esp. Mark Ronson) deserve most of the credit.

hipsters = losers
Beck was the original hipster fifteen years ago. Except he didn't call himself a hipster. His adjective was much more accurate.

entourage clothes
1. that's the worst looking denim jacket I've ever seen.

uncle louie
I couldn't agree with you more, Uncle Louis.
Having said that, I think Borders has taken appropriate action and hope other media outlets follow suit.
"Song of the South" has been buried by Disney because of its racism. But rather than hiding it from the public, America(and the world) would be better

2 for 3
the one in the middle?
Also a dude.

mulholland drive
If this guy were in movies, his Random Roles would have included Mulholland Drive. His choice in eyewear makes him look like that Director Guy With Glasses in Mulholland Drive.

I liked this album, but I love BEWITCHED.
PENTHOUSE comes off as too cool. BEWITCHED has more jangly guitars and changes in tempo which give it quite a bit more personality and charm.

the D word
Will there ever be a comments section where the term DOUCHE is not used in a derogatory sense?

I like it…sort of
I think everything on the show is great. Except the writing and the acting.

I bought the Amy Winehouse album just 'cause I heard REHAB and fucking loved it. Haven't had a chance to really listen to the rest of the album yet, but now I'm psyched to see how good the rest of it's gonna be.

Hasn't the country made it clear that we HATE Rosie O' Donnel?

Britney's new album should be called:

I haven't seen this mentioned yet, so I'll put it out there:

make it MAD
I think it would be great if they made the biopic a black-and-white animated production using the MAD Magazine animation style.

no variation
I've listened to Sky Blue Sky, and I like the songs on the album, but listening to the album from beginning to end is tedious. The songs' tempos are all similar and there doesn't seem to be much variation at all from one song to the next. I honestly looked at my CD player at least three times to see if