The Liberal Arm of the London

A-men to that. The Antlers, Yuck, and Sebadoh/Sentridoh in the same place? If I had six hundred bucks and three friends, I'd be there, but alas, I do not.

For the record, I was in my school's third-grade production of this, and even after singing most of those songs for three weeks on end, I still loved the movie.

Guess the Simpson gene isn't just limited to Simpsons.

Yevon's easy. The monster arena? I couldn't get through a single one of those fucking creations, despite having most of the ultimate weapons and like two parts of the sphere grid maxed out for every character.

You're asking people to shut their traps about things that they love on a site run for and catering almost exclusively to fanboys?

So Good
I really liked the past two albums, especially Two Dancers, and it sounded like these guys had completely done away with their sound in favor of something more in line with some of the other indie rockers, to hear the critics tell it. It is pretty different from the last couple of albums, but in a really

I haven't seen the episode yet, so I was really afraid when I read the title that somehow Ryan Murphy had blackmailed Win Butler into letting him do an Arcade Fire-themed episode. Glad to see that's not the case, though sorry to hear that the show seems to have more-or-less tanked as of now.

I would watch the FUCK out of that.

"I didn't think it was physically possible, but this both sucks and blows."

I was pretty apprehensive when they released it as the first single; it's not a bad track, but it never fails to remind me of "(Fork and Knife)" in a less-than-flattering fashion. I'm glad to hear that the rest of the album is so much better. "I Don't Want Love" and "No Widows" are fucking gorgeous.

Besides Nathan of Fillions, which is the best handle ever created, The Penis-Shaped Vagina of Bea Arthur and The Juggernaut, Bitch were pretty great.

Dammit, I really need to get a hang of posting faster so that I don't get swept downthread and end up making no sense.


Favorite food smuggling experience: my friend has a habit of wearing a sling just so that he can smuggle absurdly large food items into theaters, and managed to get an entire family-size bag of tortilla chips and humus into the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight. At the same time, I stuffed a box of Junior Mints

This comment isn't nearly full enough of tangential and overwrought ramblings for Pitchfork.

My Graduation is the Same Day
Goddamnit! I would show up in my graduation dress to mosh at this thing; Titus Andronicus is an unbelievable live band.

I feel like they used Magnitude just enough. The "debate" between him and Leonard should have felt really tired, but his insistent "Pop. POP!" in response was just perfect.

So…does this mean that I was ahead of the curve with WhoTheFuckIsBellona?

Oh, I wanted to punch every one of those smug bastards in the face, but I fault the script, not the acting. And somehow, deep down, I know this will be worse.

Well, except the potential for incredible amounts of post-collegiate nudity.