Hamburger Pimp

I like this show
but it might just be because I'm a chubby chaser. Good god, Bonnie is a fox!

I named my band "Zombie vs Shark". Too bad there's another band in the OKC area called "Aliens vs Robots". I bet people confuse us all the time. Or they would if they'd ever heard of my band.

You're not alone, whooty. I like the bigger gals and his secretary had titty spillin' out all over the place. I'd like to put some glaze on those muffins, if you know what I mean.

T.J. O'Pootertoot's is good, but stay away from the Pooterballs.

The store down the block from me sells Hiland Grape Drink (I think Hiland is an Oklahoma brand, I'm not sure). I buy that shit every time I see it. Nigga, what the fuck is juice?

Like Ed Freeze, I saw Antony on Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man. At first, I absolutely hated his cover of "If It Be Your Will". But, after being subjected to repeated listenings by my roommate, I've come to love the raw emotion he brings to that song. His voice seems to have this vulnerability to it that I dig. I can

Funniest line of the episode…
When Jack said "Hey! It's me, Matlock. I need your help." My roommate had to sit through about two minutes of me laughing, then rewind it so she could hear what was going on.