
@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus Of course the fear of "genre" roles didn't scare her away from Homicide or her Admiral Cain phase; there's probably an undergrad paper in the different roles available to actresses in true crime shows versus science fiction, and the comparative importance of heavies in

I've begun to doubt Federation starships even have a port power coupling.

This sector contains:
* Starbase Empok Nor

Crusher did some Trill transplants in TNG, back when Trill had face ridges.  I got the impression it was a rather simple, outpatient procedure, no general anesthetic or sedation, a single incision and a single ligation, and it seemed like the peritoneum was never broken.  It looked comparable or easier than a

@AmaltheaElanor:disqus The old timeline isn't erased, it's simply forgotten while Paramount spends $200 million a pop producing Star Trek's Best Hits movies.

There's a definite moral bias in Star Trek in that all consequences of time travel, even accidental time travel, are non-normative and must be Killed With Fire, regardless of how many "die."

@wolfmansRazor:disqus I think she writes with Olympian detachment because the subject is just too painful for her to write about, it's way to personal. Unlike someone like Raul Hilberg, she actually lived in Germany in the thirties and was one of the vanishingly small number who actually witnessed the disaster as it

Shades of "Office Space"

@avclub-c1fe85b855c6d045b827f74a1e2c3fd7:disqus The Kara Thrace of TNG was Wesley, the Traveller was his Leoben and Ashley Judd was his Anders.  Or something.


"Cytheria" - Greek goddess of fertility, cognate of Roman Venus.  What's the big deal?

"When I saw that two directors were credited, I got the feeling that one turned in an absolute abomination of a first cut, and the other was brought in to do something, ANYTHING, to save it. "

And the theatre erupts in awkward laughter and I am absorbed into my seat out of second hand embarrassment for everyone involved in the production.

Whenever you notice something like that, a wizard did it.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I guess it's no sillier than the mirror universe Tholians getting a jump on the Federation by capturing the 23rd century USS Defiant.

They've never actually fixed this, have they?  I suppose we should be thankful we were watching Independence Day and dancing the Macarena instead of living under an Augment's jackboot.

The reference to Khan is nice (although he gives the wrong era for the Eugenics War), but the speech plays like the end of an anti-drug PSA.

We must consider this fact Exhibit A, in our proof is to claim "Tyler Perry Presents Peeples is not a Tyler Perry movie."

@Quietus: No blood = PG-13.

When Freeman mentioned that when Earth was invaded, it was by an army of Harper clones, it sounded really weird but I couldn't put my finger on why.