
I saw this on Netflix last night. It's got some strange sidetracks — Adam Nimoy's second wife died tragically, this receives about as much attention as his father's directing career. But all the family tidbits have a way making everything comprehensible, the whole family clearly had a lot of tensions and dark alleys.

Awful, so awful. Not as bad as Uhura doing her Sally Rand routine, though…

I assume someone sang in Insurrection, cause I ain't renting it to check.

Hmmm…. Badda Bing Badda Bang, which granted, is similar to Take Me Out in structure but utterly ridiculous in premise.

Or as the Re-animator says it from behind his plastic teeth, the "Heph Shee Hay."

The humans in Enterprise knew better and didn't walk around with heads full of Magical Vulcan stereotypes, as opposed to TOS, where Race of Hats logic idealizes everything.

When I sign my name on a Russian birthday card, for a Russian friend, I sign it in Cyrillic script, even though my given name is written in a Latin script, and my Cyrillic name looks ridiculous. (My names start with a "J" and an a soft "H", as in "Hello," and Cyriilic doesn't have characters for either of these.)

♪♫…I'm gonna smash your kneecaps if you bastards touch my car…♫

"I've got my eye on you, Quark."

"She's a useful concept, ill-used and ill-written."

jeez there was like a 20-message thread about it last week. :)


They managed to have a bloody Vic Fontaine episode, they must have been desperate for filler of any kind.

You can see how Odo might idolize a tough guy who combines crime stopping, a rigid personal code of honor, and sexual conquest.

Actually if you wanna get really technical, according to Encounter at Farpoint McCoy retires an admiral, complete with silver lamé uniform.

"Well, they're blind slugs. That probably counts against them having a well-developed sense of independent agency."

Just throwing it out there, but on what planet is a film produced by Brad Pitt and Arnon Milchan, with Fox money, an "independent film"?

My boss in college was a Promise Keeper, Foursquare christian, home schooled his kids in his Lancaster "compound," and loved Star Trek. He came back from a family trip to Vegas and talked for days about how awesome the Star Trek Experience was, how he drank a Warp Core Breach on Ten Forward, sat in the captain's

Little known fact: George Lucas was one of the camera ops on Gimme Shelter. The Maysles have said that he was the one that filmed the stabbing; he claimed in Pollack's biography of him that he "didn't remember."

@avclub-a976a89cd1ddcbda39f01aa2b16dcfac:disqus clearly walked out of "Turbo" before the rape scene.