
@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus  @avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus  should also say I'm a member of a labor union, so it's not like I'm not sympathetic to O'Brien.  It's the anachronism that bugs me.

@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus I just scoped out Companions on Amazon, used ones in even good shape are over $60 bucks, and stained/highlighted ones go for about $40.  Pretty incredible.

@avclub-efb3d8be0319721ef751da0b05d9f6a5:disqus I always think of Col. Breen from Quatermass and the Pit.

I hear these complaints.  I think it has to do with the fact that Ezri's a lot more charismatic and relatable than Jadzia.  Also us nerdy Trekkers are much more likely to date an Ezri than a Jadzia — I know I do, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

One of William Carlos William's lesser poems.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus On another level Keiko can't get out of the box she's made for herself — I always interpreted her bitterness as a manifestation of her refusal to forgive Miles for taking the posting on DS9.  She tries to run the school and when that doesn't work out she shuts down and

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus But Bashir, like all blue mages, gets to roll two dice when casting.

On your side of the balance you do have Cassidy Yates, Leeta and  Kai Winn.  And no, Leeta is not a weak character.

To be honest I think this argument lets the Bush-era United States off the hook.  It's not like the Jem'Hadar voted for the Female Changeling and wrote treacly country songs about where they were "when the buildings fell," followed by hundreds of editorials in the Vorta Tribune about how it was okay to torture people

@avclub-b31df16a88ce00fed951f24b46e08649:disqus O'Brien's many allusions to his heritage come off a lot like Chekov's "The Russians had everything first!" schtick from TOS season 2. It's also very cute that such an Irish partisan would fight on the English side of the Battle of Britain, let alone the slave-owning

@avclub-8b8369fc782a66a1118bd9eda89ebc07:disqus Lee murdering people in cold blood is easier to swallow than Lee frequenting a hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold.

@avclub-40904cf5a179d97beb9f7f3f8c02e080:disqus What's interesting is when Wesley leaves, the audience stand-in duties mostly get taken over by Data.  Data, like Wesley, is really smart, so he doesn't get hung up on technobabble like Geordi might, and even though he's completely competent to run the ship and everyone

@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus The BSG union episode is the bloody M*A*S*H "Death of Col. Blake" episode compared to the black market episode.

@avclub-83adc9225e4deb67d7ce42d58fe5157c:disqus As a fan of "Bar Association", I am a little weirded out by how passionate O'Brien is for labor activism — it'd be like if someone today told you they were hacking corporate computers because they were carrying on the work of Wat Tyler or the Jacquerie.  It's not just

"strung out like Onarans on Felicium"

"Why is Keiko always associated with no-funness?"

O'Brien is to DS9 as Wesley Crusher is to TNG.  He's the character the writers most often use as a proxy for the audience.

Rocks and Shoals completely forecloses the possibility of any kind of negotiated stalemate with the Dominion, or any sort of clever "let's get the Jem'Hadar to rebel" or "beat them at their own game" nonsense (a la Best of Both Worlds).

Zack's misgivings about "Indiscretion" are accepted, but aside from moving Dukat's counter ahead a few spaces and putting Ziyal on the board, it's a critical episode for breaking down the Cardassians.

Sean, I think your characterization of the PG's operation is a little unfair.  The Guild was invented at a time when it was standard procedure for an actor, on top of their $15 million fee, to get half their family attached to a film as EPs or "consultants" in do-nothing sinecures.