
I'm willing to accept any use that doesn't imply a petard is like a flagpole. As long as ablative prepositions like "hoisted up," "hoisted on," are avoided in favor of instrumental ones, like"with" or "by," no foul.

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus While we're on the subject of M5, I submit Dr. Daystrom.

@avclub-53e4db6f596904f154b5efa09193e3ab:disqus While we're on the subject of M5, I submit Dr. Daystrom.

I wager 300 puatloos on the firstcomer.

I wager 300 puatloos on the firstcomer.

They got little hands 
Little eyes 
They walk around 
Tellin' great big lies 
They got little noses 
And tiny little teeth 
They wear platform shoes 
On their nasty little feet

They got little hands 
Little eyes 
They walk around 
Tellin' great big lies 
They got little noses 
And tiny little teeth 
They wear platform shoes 
On their nasty little feet

"Writers have learned how to hint at fornication in a hundred masterful ways and so much that I, for one, watching a movie, am ready to believe that all its males and females fall to futtering one another as soon as the scene dissolves."  —Ben Hecht

"Writers have learned how to hint at fornication in a hundred masterful ways and so much that I, for one, watching a movie, am ready to believe that all its males and females fall to futtering one another as soon as the scene dissolves."  —Ben Hecht

They tried inviting a Youtube sensation on once before, and we all got to talk about how much we hated Karmin.

They tried inviting a Youtube sensation on once before, and we all got to talk about how much we hated Karmin.

Good question about prostitution, though references to Orion women abound, and we're never clear exactly why Scotty was alone with that Rigelian girl in the Jack-the-Ripper-is-a-non-coporeal-entity episode.

Good question about prostitution, though references to Orion women abound, and we're never clear exactly why Scotty was alone with that Rigelian girl in the Jack-the-Ripper-is-a-non-coporeal-entity episode.

@avclub-ba56a1fd70b8c7aff17bf4c58e614b42:disqus  All cardies look a little different every time you see them.  The writers postulated that they shed their skin regularly.

@avclub-ba56a1fd70b8c7aff17bf4c58e614b42:disqus  All cardies look a little different every time you see them.  The writers postulated that they shed their skin regularly.



TNG is a show basically for kids, so the romances never really worked, even on a rational level (Riker and a Genii, really?).

TNG is a show basically for kids, so the romances never really worked, even on a rational level (Riker and a Genii, really?).

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus  (spoiler)
A critical dividing line between TNG and DS9 is that whenever TNG goes to Earth, the plot always plays out at Starfleet Command or the Academy — really the ep could be changed to take place on a "Starbase 25" with only a few added ADR lines and two changed